Πέμπτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

Bonanno and Lucchese Family Bust

The Fed’s have unsealed an 18 count indictment that contained charges on nine members of organized crime. The charges range from racketeering , racketeering conspiracy, extortion and other various crimes. The indictment charges members of the Bonanno and Lucchese families of La Cosa Nostra. Half of the members named in the indictment were already detained on various charges and the remaining gangsters were arrested.
The Four defendants that were arrested on Wednesday were Carlo Profeta , Anthony Mannone , Eric Maione, and Jerome Caramelli. Anthony Mannone is a reputed captain in the Bonanno Family , Jerome Caramelli is a Bonanno family associate , Salvatore Cutaia is a reputed Lucchese family soldier , Domenico Cutaia is a reputed Lucchese family capo , Carlo Profeta is an actiing capo in the Lucchese family, Eric Maione and Joseph Cutaia are reputed Lucchese family associates.
Extortion charges ranging from a gambling operation run by Caramelli where Mannone, Caramelli , Sal Cutaia, Profeta and others threatened individuals with physical harm if they did not pay up their gambling debts. Wiretaps caught the defendants tossing around these threats while they ran the illegal gambling operation and on one occasion has Caramelli acting on orders of Mannone threatening one gambling client saying that “Tomorrow all **** will break loose since the caller had not called in with any significant payment news , noting that he (Mannone) had already decided that this is not going to end good.
This case continues to prove the fact that La Cosa Nostra families are still active and on the streets doing what they do looking to make money in old and new rackets. If convicted the mob members face maximum sentences of up to 20 years in jail. These are once again blows

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