Πέμπτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

IAF Responds to Rocket Fire in the Negev

Israeli fighter pilots retaliated in the wee hours of Wednesday morning for rocket fire aimed at western Negev communities over the past two days.

Three short-range rockets were fired from Gaza at southern Israeli towns, although there were no reports of casualties or damage in any of the attacks.

IAF warplanes destroyed a weapons factory and a smuggler tunnel in the southern section of Gaza, according to the IDF Spokesman. Direct hits were identified on both targets.

Mid-morning Wednesday, the Color Red air raid alert siren was activated in Ashkelon, as well as in a number of communities in the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council district, near the Gaza border. Officials later said the alert was sounded in error and no rocket attack had been aimed at the communities.

"The IDF holds the Hamas terrorist organization solely responsible for maintaining the calm in the Gaza Strip and for any terrorist activity emanating from it. The IDF will also continue to respond harshly to any attempt to use terror against the State of Israel," said the IDF Spokesman in a state

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